Ready to Lead: Rossi Takes Oath to Serve and Represent the People of the 59th Legislative District

June 7, 2021

HARRISBURG – Pledging to lead with accountability, transparency, integrity and uncompromising conservative values, state Rep. Leslie Rossi (R-Westmoreland/Somerset) was officially sworn into office today at the state Capitol to begin her first term in the Pennsylvania General Assembly serving the people of the 59th Legislative District.

As the first-ever woman to represent the 59th District in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, Rossi reiterated her dedication to hitting the ground running as a newly elected state lawmaker.

“First and foremost, I’m not a politician,” said Rossi. “I’m a small business owner with a proven track record of success in creating jobs, balancing budgets and getting things done as a highly active community volunteer for more than two decades. I will fight every day in the Legislature to reverse the excessive government overreach, economy-collapsing lockdown policies and unchecked executive dictates that have shuttered far too many family-sustaining businesses, and resulted in what the governor’s Department of Labor and Industry has publicized as 500,000 permanent job losses.”

A proud wife, mother of eight, strong woman of faith and a fierce defender of the original intent of the state and federal Constitutions, Rossi is deeply committed to safeguarding the right to keep and bear arms, protecting the sanctity of all human life and reclaiming government to be run by and for the people.

Her other top legislative priorities include enacting landmark election integrity reform, eliminating wasteful spending, and reducing taxes for families, seniors, farmers and job creators to restore a prosperous economy and bring home more well-paying jobs to the 59th District.

“We are still blessed to live in the greatest country on earth,” said Rossi. “The founders created a government by the people, for the people, free from out-of-touch politicians and special interest coercion. It is extremely imperative to strengthen our voter laws to preserve our most fundamental right to self-government: fair and secure elections. I will defend our shared values, stand up for our God-given rights, and fight for every citizen residing in the 59th District. The people who elected me to serve them deserve nothing less.”

A lifelong resident of Westmoreland County, Rossi lives in Unity Township with her husband Mike and their family.

Internet and social media users are encouraged to visit and for the latest district information and state government updates.

The 59th Legislative District encompasses part of Somerset County consisting of the townships of Conemaugh and Jenner, and the boroughs of Boswell and Jennerstown.

In Westmoreland County, the district includes the townships of Cook, Donegal, Fairfield, Hempfield (part of districts Todd, University and West Point), Ligonier, Mount Pleasant, St. Clair and Unity (part of districts Baggaley, Beatty, Crabtree, Dennison, Kuhns, Marguerite, Mutual and Pleasant Unity) and the boroughs of Bolivar, Donegal, Laurel Mountain, Ligonier, New Florence and Seward.

Representative Leslie Rossi
59th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Ty McCauslin
717.772.9979 /

Surrounded by her family, Rep. Leslie Rossi (R-Westmoreland/Somerset) today took the oath of office to begin her first term representing the people of the 59th District in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.
Surrounded by her family, Rep. Leslie Rossi (R-Westmoreland/Somerset) today took the oath of office to begin her first term representing the people of the 59th District in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.

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