Apr. 26, 2024
HARRISBURG – Rep. Leslie Rossi (R-Westmoreland) announced today the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) awarded a nearly $2.6 million low-interest loan to the Latrobe Municipal Authority to upgrade the wastewater treatment plant.
“Much of the existing equipment is old and nearing the end of its useful life,” said Rossi. “This low-interest loan is important because untreated or poorly treated wastewater can pose health risks. The much-needed upgrades will help speed up the way water is purified.”
Improvements include replacing failing electrical components such as the wastewater plant’s main power switch gear, distribution circuit breakers connected to the six motor control centers, and various frequency drives that distribute power to the plant’s processing equipment. Repairs will also be made to deteriorating concrete in a clarifier tunnel; disconnected, worn wiring; and a rusted conduit.
Founded in 1988, PENNVEST provides grants and low-interest loans for design, engineering and construction of publicly and privately owned drinking water distribution and treatment facilities, as well as storm water and wastewater projects.
For more information on the PENNVEST program, visit
Representative Leslie Rossi
59th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Rick Leiner
717-260-6437 (office) 717-497-8478 (cell)
RepRossi.com / Facebook.com/RepRossi