Oct. 22, 2024

HARRISBURG – Rep. Leslie Rossi (R-Westmoreland) today announced nearly $2.8 million in grants were approved by the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) for projects within the 59th Legislative District.

Local Share Account grants support economic development, job training, community improvement and public interest projects through gaming funds under Act 71 of 2004.

“These grants are a vital investment in our local communities, helping to address pressing needs and improve infrastructure that directly impacts residents’ daily lives,” said Rossi. “By securing these funds, we are strengthening our neighborhoods, ensuring safer streets and supporting essential services such as public safety and stormwater management. I’m committed to advocating for resources that will make our district a better place to live, work and raise a family.”

The local grants include:

• Derry Borough Municipal Authority - $300,000 for street paving in areas previously disturbed and patched due to a lead waterline replacement project located in Derry Borough. The project will pave the following roads: Cecilton; East and West Third; Reed; and North and South Ligonier streets, and West Owens and West Third avenues.
• Derry Township - $472,205 to rehabilitate stormwater infrastructure. The project will install stormwater and underdrain pipe along Alexandria Street in the village of Bradenville.
• Derry Township - $225,000 to repair and repave Lincoln Avenue located between Derry Township and Latrobe. The completed paving project will ensure a safe cartway that serves homes, businesses and a school along the road.
• Fairfield Township - $350,000 for building upgrades at the Fairfield Township Volunteer Fire Company. The funding will be used to make improvements by installing a geothermal heating and cooling system for the fire station and social hall.
• Latrobe Municipal Authority - $406,005 for upgrades to the sewage treatment plant located in Unity Township.
• Ligonier Township - $172,509 for the purchase of a new dump truck.
• Mount Pleasant Township - $400,000 to replace the Pollins Road Bridge. The inability of certain emergency vehicles to utilize the structure increases response times and poses a threat to public safety.
• Mount Pleasant Township - $50,000 for the purchase of a new utility trucks for the streets department.
• Unity Township - $380,125 to assist with stormwater improvements. The project is in the Village of Marguerite on Bruno Road from St. Benedicts Catholic Church Street to Klondike Street.

The CFA was established as an independent agency that holds fiduciary responsibility over the funding of programs and investments in Pennsylvania’s economic growth.

Representative Leslie Rossi
59th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Rick Leiner
717-260-6437 (office) 717-497-8478 (cell)
RepRossi.com / Facebook.com/RepRossi